Skilled Care Unit
The Skilled Care Unit at Fairfield Memorial Hospital provides short-term skilled care nursing and services to those who require medical care, nursing care, and/or rehabilitation services. Skilled Care is available to all Medicare, private pay, and private insured, geriatric patients.
Under the direction of the patient’s physician, Skilled Care can provide the following for each resident:
- Physician services
- 24 Hour Pharmacy Services
- Physical therapy
- Occupational therapy
- Speech Language Pathology
- Respiratory therapy
- Skilled Nursing services
- Medication
- Blood transfusion
- Wound care (severe or multiple wounds)
- Discharge planning (begins upon admission and continues throughout the stay)
- Daily Activities
Patient Responsibility
While you are receiving Skilled Care services, you will be encouraged to participate in your daily care unless you are unable to do so. This will help you get better, function more independently, and learn to take care of your health needs.
Social Services
Members of Fairfield Memorial Hospital’s Social Service Department also provide services to residents in the Skilled Care Unit. For more detailed information about Fairfield Memorial Hospital’s Social Services staff, click here
Skilled Care Unit residents can expect to receive services from Social Service staff members such as discharge planning, patient and family education, patient advocacy and counseling, in addition to services that meet the specialized needs of those needing care in a Skilled Care Unit. Social Service staff are part of the health care team and work closely with residents and their families to assist in the improvement of their functions of daily living in order for residents to return to their preferred living environment. If long term placement is needed, social service staff members work diligently to assist residents and families adjust to those changes and provide the appropriate resources needed.
Skilled Care Unit Activities
The Activity Director provides planned and therapeutic activities that assist in keeping the residents physically and mentally active, which helps to improve their quality of life. Residents are active participants in planning these activities and reflect the interests of the residents. Activities promote social interaction, continued independence, empowerment, physical activity, and entertainment and are scheduled throughout the day, 7 days a week. For those residents that prefer not to participate in group activities or those not physically or mentally able, one to one activities are also part of the activity schedule.
In addition to the planned activities, the Activity Director coordinates the monthly Resident Council meeting. This meeting may be attended by any resident wishing to participate and a community liaison that is voted on by the council. These meetings allow the residents to develop suggestions on improving services, discuss concerns and assist in the planning of future activities. Resident Council meetings also enhance and facilitate communication within the Skilled Care Unit, along with promoting friendships among the residents.
Comfort Care
Fairfield Memorial Hospital's comfort care is a patient-centered program of care for terminal patients and their families. Based on their needs, the following routine services related to the management of the terminal illness may be provided:
- Specialized nursing visits by registered nurses and licensed practical nurses
- Visits by social workers
- Visits by a chaplain
- Visits by certified nursing assistants
As ordered by your physician:
- nutritional counseling and meal planning
- respiratory therapy
- Prescription drugs specifically for palliative management of the patient’s terminal illness and as required in the plan of care
Durable medical equipment, Family counseling services to family members during the time the patient is receiving care, and Bereavement support and counseling referrals are important services you can rely upon when you need them most.
Fairfield Memorial Hospital’s Skilled Care unit is Medicare-certified and licensed by the Illinois Department of Public Health.